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Old 06-06-2007, 06:28 AM
Richas Richas is offline
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Default Re: do I lay this down?

Given the read of a very aggressive player his range is quite wide from an overpair, two pair, good draw even TPTK, maybe a set. Very hard to know if you are well ahead or well behind. Given 105 left, 60 to call I think I speculate here and call with position.

Best case is we boat up and he hits his flush, second best the turn misses potential draws and he checks in which case we can't let a free card come. If an obvious draw comes in he may bet, if he does we have to fold as a thinking player would have us on the draw.

I think the call is ev+ given how aggressive he is, if he wasn't very aggressive normally it is a fold for me.

Nasty hand though.
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