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Old 02-28-2006, 01:45 AM
bozlax bozlax is offline
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Default Re: Reviewed hand, still confused with ATs

Here's the issue, Part I: you don't KNOW you're going to have 2 opponents, you can't even be "pretty sure" (a la having an OESD or four-flush where the flop action goes bet-call-you raise and you're pretty sure that having put one in the two in front of you will put in one more), so you can't raise for value, and without a read semi-bluff raising in nano limits really doesn't get you much of anywhere. It doesn't get you much of anywhere, usually, in micros, for that matter, but that's a different story.

Here's the issue, Part II: given that SB cold-called your silly flop play, he was likely on a draw or slow-playing a made hand. When he comes alive on the river, there are two possible draws he was on, and one made hand (unless he's a nutbag that would play like this with less than a straight with an obvious straight and flush on the board); you're TIED with one of the possible draws, and you LOSE to the other two hands. That makes the river raise definitional spew. This is where paying close attention to the action on previous streets becomes invaluable.
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