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Old 06-04-2007, 11:42 AM
CappyAA CappyAA is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Rehabbing my knee.
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Default Reinjuring my knee in a drunken weekend at Dewey Beach - Trip Report

Over Memorial Day weekend, I went to Dewey Beach with a group of friends. This is a yearly trip we have there, so I was excited. Throw in the fact that I had just come off a busy work trip in Chicago, and I was very excited.

For those that don't know, Dewey Beach is in Delaware and it is trashy as a beach. However, it does contain a ridiculous amount of 21-30 year old drunken girls who are looking to hook up, so that makes it fun to me.

So I land in BWI from my trip, get in my car, and head straight for Dewey Beach. After a stop and go drive full of traffic, I finally get into town around 9:00 and I'm ready to drink. All my friends got there around 1:00, so I had some catching up to do. I managed to get down multiple Jager shots and beers over the next 30 min. before we headed to the bar.

We head to the Lighthouse the first night. It's a pretty fun place with a huge deck to drink on. We managed to get good and drunk. I know this because I started dancing which only happens when I'm pretty tanked. This is about the time in the story where I mention that I am recovering from ACL surgery. I had my ACL reconstructed about 4 1/2 months ago. It felt great, and I was running and doing things like that so I didn't think there was much to worry about.

So I start dancing and everything is fine, but the songs pick up, so the dancing picks up. All of a sudden, I kind of lose my balance, and slipped landing weird. See this picture below which can best recreate it:

My initial reaction was that I tore my ACL again because my knee went all numb. I immediately went straight to a bench to sit down and try to handle the pain in my knee. At about the same moment, 2 girls I knew from college came over to say hi, so I had to pretend like nothing was wrong (which I pulled off masterfully) and talk to them for 10 min. After they left, I realized my knee was messed up so my friend Kevin walked me back to the hotel.

The next morning while I was contemplating going home, I called my surgeon who managed to prescribe me painkillers over the phone from 200 miles away!!! After a quick drive to CVS, I was back in business and down at Dewey for the rest of the weekend. I pretty much just wore my knee brace at all times and tried to stay off it as much as possible. The rest of the weekend went off without a hitch.

I had an MRI and saw my doctor when I got back last week. Well my doc just called me up this morning and gave me the good and bad news. Good news is that the ACL is fine. The graft looks fantastic and there is no ligament damage other than a sprained MCL. The bad news is that I have bone bruising and a hairline fracture in my tibia, as well as a new tear in my meniscus cartilage, so I will need to have a new surgery done sometime this summer, which sucks. Now, this surgery is much much more minor than the last surgery (think athletes when they tear their cartilage, they are playing sports full speed again in 2 weeks). However, it still does require me getting operated on again, which will make it 2 times on the same knee in one calendar year.

I better get some tax money back because after insurance, I'll probably spend about $5k on my knee this year.
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