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Old 06-01-2007, 11:25 AM
BigRedDog33 BigRedDog33 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 14
Default Re: Lindsay Lohan and Rehab

Going cold Turkey can be dangerous from a health view. Cocain withdrawl can send you body into shock which is why they use meds to keep your BP stable. As far taking someone away, that will flush out their system but will not help them stay clean. Useually there are underlying reasons someone ends up a junkie and a drunck. Until someone looks at why they use or drink they will tend to fkeep going back to it.
I had a real nasty coke/booze/everything and anything habit and ended up in rehab for 28 days (standard duration). After detoxing and clearing my mind out I was able to deal with somethings in my life I needed to deal with and really look at what I had become. Most of us do not get a chance to drop out of life for 28 days and really look at where we are, rehab gave me the chance to do this and 9 years later still clean and sober. Now if i could just get rid of the habit of donking off chips I would be all set.
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