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Old 02-27-2006, 07:22 PM
JJNJustin JJNJustin is offline
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Default Re: Best 10/20 game in Detroit...

Ninja is exaggerating. The valet parking at Motor City is better than Greektown, but lately on the weekends it has been full and the pickup wait has been 30min-1hr. The 10/20 there does have $1 extra rake, is a bit tougher because most of the hardcore regulars from the city play there. The $10/$20 at Greektown wont be as tough, but wont run as regularly. Best bet is to get there early in the day or on the weekend. Dont go there at 11:00pm an expect a 10/20 game. Lucky if they have $5/10 going.

I have played regularly in Detroit casinos for years and have never had a problem with mugging or violence. But I always park valet or VIP and never leave myself a long unsupervised walk to my car late at night when I am leaving. This is where most muggings take place. For example, Motor City parking garage has a 3rd and 4th floor where you have to walk down steps (no elevator) where muggers can hang out and no security guards are around. Stay away from the self-park garages at Motor City and Greektown and park valet always, it's worth the wait.

Once you are in the casino you are extremely safe, but Motor City is usually more crowded than Greektown. I never keep loose bills in my pocket as they are easier to be lifted or dropped. I am willing to bet there are many loiterers at MC who hang out waiting for you to drop something or leave a bucket of coins unattended. Never, never, leave your wallet in your back pocket. I know an old guy (regular) who keeps his money clip in his sock.

Here are a few regulars in the $10/$20 game at MC whom I will give a low-down fyi:

NBC Steve: older guy who usually wears a NBC jacket or a wsop jacket. Best game O8B, rock tight $10-$20. Rarely bluffs. Wont raise unless he has it, easily readable. You need a much better hand to value bet him and the nuts to raise him. He is one of the tightest players I know.

Larry: older guy. a little loose, sneaky, all around good player. big bankroll. good tournament player. catch him with marginal hands.

Mike the dealer: dealer from Greektown who plays at MC. sneaky, tries to steal a lot of pots. wont lay down any decent hand preflop. plays his monsters and his bluffs in similiar fashion so it's hard to get a read on him.

little ronnie: a younger guy with light complexion. a sneaky player who slowplays his big hands and will try to steal every pot when he thinks he can. will raise and three bet on some marginal stuff. will raise on the come if he thinks he can steal the pot. you have to call his river bet alot, but you still will lose alot when you call him.

open-ended jimmy- an above average LAG. he has these lucky beads. he is very aggressive and lucky.

sheldon- this giant man who constantly talks smack to annoy his opponents and get information. tune this guy out. will slow the game down.

phillis: dark haired older woman. very tight. nothing complicated. wont bet or raise unless has it. can get tied to those AK and AQ.

big frank: usually chews a cigar. loose and aggressive. he will constantly frustrate you because its hard to tell exactly what he has. he's not exactly a maniac, definitely not a rock. Just when you are sure he is bluffing he shows you the nuts.

thats all I can think of for now. any of you other Detroit players agree or have anything to add to my low-down on these guys?

good luck
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