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Old 05-31-2007, 11:27 PM
rubbrband rubbrband is offline
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Default Re: BBV4L I have a PM stalker

1st message from said stalker
From: SCXpunk

Lol, if you don't see it your an idiot re-read the OP.

it's you're btw


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Seems harmless but I am thinking WTF? Who is this guy has like 30 post all from months ago. So I message back who are you?

Stalker Message 2
if i told you that, i would have to kill you.

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Ok now He's being kinda creepy so I message back that he is either a lurker or a douchbag for not showing himself on his real account saying it like "your a douchbag". My bad spelling appearently puts this nit on tilt.

Stalker message 3
Re: hi!
From: SCXpunk
once again it's you're, not your. and douche is spelled with an E. plz go back to grade school

also you are correct. it is the latter. my real acct is missot. HU4ROLLZ?

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I then says something like he is pathetic for not showing himself. He then starts talkin bout raping me.

Stalker message 4
Re: hi!
From: SCXpunk
i 100% agree, witnessing someone get raped by logic is very pathetic and quite disturbing. are you done getting destroyed or should i continue the onslaught of verbal rape?

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So I send him a message back "LOL, yeah if you were crushing me so bad I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be scared to reveal yourself. Talking [censored] to someone via PM with a fake account is the definition of pathetic. Your a joke and if you bother me again I am gonna PM a mod to ban hammer your Bitchazz K tnx bye.

Message # 5 from another account.
nice try sir
From: Geoffrey Bonal

this my friend, is a fake account. look at the registration date on the other account you [censored]. speaking of definitions (like you should ever be quoting one because i doubt you've even laid eyes on a dictionary you daft [censored]) look up retarded in the dictionary and a picture of you is there. you are that [censored] stupid and clueless, think before you speak or type or w/e you waste of life. you will never amount to anything and i know how much that burns you up inside that you can never be like me and will always be a loser your entire life. and btw it's you're not your, go back to 2nd grade please because it's apparent you should never have passed in the first place. maybe you didn't, lol you probably never even went to school, probably just an inbred hick.

oh and btw i call your bluff, gl getting a mod to ban me over a conversation that took place via PMs. you really are [censored] clueless, i feel very sorry for you. go PM sklansky now "mr sklansky please help me, somebody sent me a mean private message and he hurt my feelings and since i couldn't think of anything to say back i tried ignoring him because i couldn't handle the verbal rape anymore. but that didn't work either, please ban this bully he's so mean"

as long as you continue to respond, i will continue the verbal onslaught, one way or another. admit that you got verbally raped and destroyed and that you will never amount to anything by not responding anymore ok? better yet go kill yourself and do this world a favor, stop breathing the same as air as me, because you clearly don't deserve to.

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All it says is rape you, rape you, you are teh stupid and HUD. Pretty basic 5th grade put downs.
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