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Old 05-31-2007, 05:46 PM
Tickner Tickner is offline
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Default Re: Official May Results/Graph thread

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So I’ve been playing poker “professionally” since April 1. It’s been two months now and I haven’t really given any updates. I’ve been really busy working on LegoPoker, playing, and doing life stuff that I haven’t got to sit down and brag yet.

Above you can see my stats and my graph of the last 2 months (click them to zoom). I’m actually upset with my results for a few reasons:

1. I steam a lot. When I lose I lose a lot more than I should. My downswings are bigger as a result and really hurt me overall.

2. I only played 140k hands. I was aiming for at least 80k hands per month, but I suppose 140k is alright. I mean, thats more than a lot of players play all year.

3. I dont always focus 100%, and so my wins are smaller than they should be.

Overall I am very happy to be having such success, but unhappy that it isn’t what I am capable of.

A few things to note:

1. Poker takes up a LOT of my time. I thought I would have a ton of free time this summer, but between poker, studying, posting, and working on the website, I don’t have much time to much of anything else. I am with my girlfriend quite a bit, but not so much with my other friends.

2. Going to the gym is huge. Definitly the most +EV thing I do in my spare time. I get to get in shape, but not only that, my confidence is increasing and it helps with the stress of playing poker professionally.

Notice too, that $200nl isn’t going so hot. I started may playing $200nl and had marginal success at first, but the reality of the money got to me andd just crushed my spirit when I went on a downswing. I had to take numerous breaks at $200nl and overall I felt I wasn’t playing well. I really need to take the move up more seriously next time.

I’ve dropped to $100nl the last 4 or 5 days. I play between 9-12 tables, and am cleaning up. I plan to play $100nl for the majority of this month.

This is the last 2 months. But May starts at hand 75k. It was a very "meh" month with 1/2 not going very well. +3k in cash games for may, about $1k in RB/bonii, and maybe a few hundred or so from MTTs.
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