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Old 05-31-2007, 01:04 PM
amplify amplify is offline
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Default Re: How often do you forget stuff instantly?

Last night, I spent 2 minutes trying to think of President Lincoln's first name.

1) I am horrible with names. Thank God for "Hey There!" and "Sup Bro?"

2) I often find myself in a room and have no idea what I am doing there. Also, I start telling a story and halfway through I realize that I have no idea what my point is.

3) I am amazing at remembering what is on simultaneously on 47 different channels, what's most likely to be at a good part where animals attack somebody's crotch, and what I should skip because of lack of boobies/swords/zombies.

4) I now keep moleskines ( and pens everywhere. I jot down reminders when I think of things to write, letters, music, my little poems and so forth. I have them in my car, in my pocket when I go for walks, by my bedside. Otherwise, I would never remember anything.

I think that this is all a product of my mind getting sloppy. I have resolved to do something about it, and I will be attending a 10-day Vipassana (also known as Insight) meditation course in July ( 14 hours a day of concentrating on your breath to the exclusion of all other activities is said to really focus the attention.

I am 37, and shouldn't be losing my mind just yet. I am fighting to get it back.
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