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Old 05-31-2007, 02:07 AM
PairTheBoard PairTheBoard is offline
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Default Re: One In A Googol vs One In A Googolplex

googol = 10^100, such a massive number it's beyond comprehension.

googolplex = 10^googol = not really sure how to describe it. Just say infinite instead its the same thing basically.

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1 is as close to infinity as a googleplex so that makes no sense


thinking about a googolplex makes my head explode

my first thought is that C isn't used, with just As and Bs.

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agree to quote carl sagan in cosmos(greates science documentary ever) "A piece of paper large enough to contain all the zeroes in a googleplex could'nt be stuffed into the known universe"

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What font size? 'Cause, like, sure if its 12 point Arial double-spaced or something but...

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If they were the size of an atom they might fit ok. Taking the Diameter of an atom to be 10^(-8) cm, you could fit 10^24 zeros of that size in a cubic centimeter. With 10^80 atoms in the Universe you could do it if you have 1 cubic centemeter of open space in the Universe for every atom in the universe, which seems likely to me. I'm not sure where you would get paper as thin as an atom though. What would you make it out of?

Of course that's just the zeros in a googolplex. There's only a googol of those.

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