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Old 05-30-2007, 09:59 PM
Big Limpin Big Limpin is offline
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Default Re: 5cd on stars rigged

Its the nature of the game. Its played shorthanded, and if I have the best of it predraw, I pretty much expect to win the pot.

The times when I'm value betting the post-draw is when I expect him to have a solid hand, but i've got a monster myself. The classic example, I got AAA and he has KK22, but he has position on me. Maybe i'm in the blinds, and he's opened for a raise, and i 3-bet him (or even re-potted it!!) and he calls. He is perfectly justified to be in the hand, yet due to my better hand, he's an 11:1 dog.

Because i know my hand is good most always, and will certainly get called by him if his hand is half decent, I'm definitely value betting. But if he hit his 4 outer (and i miss) then im getting scorched.

And those are the pots we remember. Not all the dull times you bet your AAA and he either folds, or calls and mucks. You maybe check the HH after he pays you off, and see KKQQ unimproved, and say "ho-hum, another standard hand, yawn"
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