Thread: 4bet pre 5/10
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Old 05-30-2007, 07:21 PM
jlocdog jlocdog is offline
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Default Re: 4bet pre 5/10

Very funny how JKratzer posts a hand with AQ in another post and many told him to 4bet. Now he 4bets and people say 'why do that?' AQ plays tough in this spot because if he just calls PF he will most likely c/f an airball flop or c/c if he hits but be forced to c/f the turn unimproved. That is a pricey line. Some may call it spewish even.

As I wrote in his last AQ post, sometimes it is necessary to turn your hand into a bluff EVEN WHEN YOU HIT THE FLOP. This may mean calling the 3bet PF and c/r'ng the flop, obviously shutting down if called.

As for ths hand, seeing as how you did 4bet pre, I see no other way too play it in an attempt to maximize your gaines.
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