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Old 05-30-2007, 12:05 PM
TStoneMBD TStoneMBD is offline
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Default Re: Several Hotshots Supposedly Broke Or In Debt

i think your post is a bit uncalled for and i also feel that most people who saluted you did so because they love seeing a bloodbath, not because they believe that david deserves your comments. while some of what you say is certainly spot on, its over the top.

why would you want david to leave nvg? just because he gave a 5/10 in nvg contributions? there are hundreds of others who contribute less than he does. why dont we ban barryg because he only posts once a month? maybe david's intentions were to educate readers by painting a picture of high stakes poker in its truist form, not to tear down the images of good people whove tried hard to establish them. isnt that a noble intent?

what gives you the right for judging david on being a "lazy genius"? are you that much better? as poker players we are all leeches on others and provide no productivity for our time. im sure your wall street job will go on to save starving children in africa while reducing CO2 emissions. yes, david clearly revels in receiving gratification from the masses, but i also think its quite clear that he does enjoy educating people. he even has ambitions of writing the most effective book for teaching children algebra.

not everyone spends their life dedicating themselves to noble causes. most do what makes themselves happy, and most people would be lazy if they could afford to be. youre a really good guy in person, but your post makes you come off as a spoiled brat.
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