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Old 05-30-2007, 11:11 AM
Ron Paul Ron Paul is offline
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Default Re: Should the US support Venezuelan Rebels?

We should take careful notes for the next Clinton regime. Their rhetoric is nearly identical. Democratic majorities are going to increase in Congress, and they will pass laws that ensure they never lose power again. They will nationalize at least the health care and energy economies, bringing enormous shortages to both. Energy shortages, along with massively increased taxation and economic regulation, utilizing environmental hysteria as the wedge to leverage public opinion, will plunge the country into a Rooseveltian scale depression. They will follow the pattern of all socialist dictatorial regimes who destroy their national economies; find someone to blame. The formula will be the same as Roosevelt's, Mugabe's, Amin's, Chavez's, and a never ending list of despots. Blame the "speculators" and the capitalists (the Jews have also been a popular choice). Use the excuse to nationalize, monopolize, cartellize, and control, control, control, destroy, destroy, destroy.

And when the Fairness Doctrine goes back into place, there will be no outlet for alternative points of view in the US state controlled media, since talk radio will have been euthanized. The only outlet will be the internet, and how long will it be before the new one party socialist government will begin cracking down on internet criticism of government policies? I doubt we'll make Hillary's second term.

The wars will come; they will be manufactured somehow, to distract the populace from the disastrous policies of the regime, and in a ridiculous effort to destroy our way to prosperity. It's kind of a toss up whether or not the regime will spend its efforts slaughtering foreign or domestic civillian populations, or both.

Militant nationalism will come with militant socialism. National socialism has historically turned out . . . poorly.

I am in a pesimistic mood today.
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