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Old 05-29-2007, 02:00 PM
TomCollins TomCollins is offline
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Default Re: high school kids protest

Let are kids walk.

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Lol in the Special Olympics Opening Ceremony maybe.

Love the top 10% rule in Texas. These retards would get admission at UT no questions asked while someone who worked their ass off, high test scores, but finished 11% in a top high school may not get in.

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Yea, it's a crime that Texas has such a progressive policy allowing rural and urban kids to actually compete with the pampered suburban brats who went to the best schools with the best teachers. What a shame that these spoiled and coddled whiners can't make the cut against their own classmates. Maybe the universities should just bar anyone from a poor family or area from attending. That'd fix 'um!

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It levels the playing field between the literate and illiterate. This has nothing to do with poor vs. rich. It has to do with punishing people who's parents put them in a demanding high school. If you went to a poor school and actually do the work, welcome in. They don't compete, they just destroy the university once they get in. The school has to either lower their standards for these nitwits or just fail them out.

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You've got to be kidding me, do you seriously believe this? The 10% rule compares how you do relative to those in the exact same situation as you. Someone in a poor area getting a 1050 on his SATs has considerably more potential than someone in a wealthy area with the same score.

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Not neccisarily. We aren't talking about SAT. We are talking about class rank. I'll take the 30th percentile at Austin - West Lake over the 10th percentile at Billy Bob County High School or Espanol High any time.

If you are top 10% in any public Texas School, you are automatically in! Even with a 400 SAT.
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