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Old 05-28-2007, 02:01 AM
Mason Malmuth Mason Malmuth is offline
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Default Re: berry tenanbaum (spelling?) is coming out with a book?

Hi Horse:

I'm not a Tenebaum fan either. I do know him, though not very well, and have played a little against him. I also a while back attended a talk he gave and was surprised with how weak-tight the advice was including things like you need the best hand or best draw to play on the flop. But he certainly doesn't play that way, and that was at least a couple of years back (if not more).

However, it doesn't really matter. When his book comes out it will get read and then I'm sure there will be comments on it here. If it's good, that will come out. If it's not good, that will come out as well.

As for Ed Miller, the same could be said about him. If the books that he was involved with were poor, you would have heard about it here. However, there is a big difference. Miller's books (where he was either author or co-author) did come through us, and we have the expertise and dedication not to produce anything that's not top notch. Also, on the books where Miller was a co-author, and this includes the two no-limit books on the way with Matt Flynn and Sunny Mehta, I think everyone will agree that the other authors were certainly knowledgeable on the precise subject for which the particular book was written.

Going back to Tenebaum, I don't know much about his publisher, D & B Publishing, except that they also appear to be trying to put out good books (even though I don't think very much of the Slotboom, Mason book they produced on limit hold 'em), and I know Barry well enough to think that he would only produce a book that he worked hard on and isn't just trying to cash in on the poker craze with a quick book production like a number of other writers have.

Anyway, dispite my slightly negative comments, his book should be available soon and I look forward to any comments that those of you who read it may have.

Best wishes,
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