Thread: Being Homeless
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Old 05-26-2007, 02:00 PM
cbloom cbloom is offline
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Default Being Homeless

My lease is running out in a few months and I'm considering not renewing it and just becoming homeless. Obviously not homeless on the street, but homeless as it wandering the world, living a few months here and there, maybe camping for a while, etc.

I'd love to hear trip reports or advice from anyone who's done this. I'm not really talking about the KKF/Metetron type guys who go and live somewhere, I don't think I'd be in any one place that long.

I'm not sure if I drink the PT - "Perpetual Traveler" / "Prior Taxpayer" - kool aid, but that's sort of the idea.

I'd be giving up my home base which creates a lot of problems - have to sell a ton of my stuff, put the rest in storage, sell my car, etc.

One major issue is mail / bills / not having an address. American Express used to be awesome for this but I can't find any info about it anymore on their web site; anybody dealt with this?

Some issues I've thought of -

cell phone - is there a better type of phone/network that will work world wide? how about a cell that won't charge insane roaming?

health care - is there some kind of global health insurance that's worthwhile?

immunizations - I guess I should get a full round in advance to be safe

VPN - I've already got a VPN lined up for countries that restrict the internet

residency - I'm currently a CA resident, so I might have to go to some other state and get a drivers license there or something so I don't have to keep paying CA taxes

ATMs - is there still an issue with different networks around the world? a few years ago there were a lot of countries where I couldn't get cash with a US ATM card.

What else?
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