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Old 05-26-2007, 01:02 AM
surfinillini surfinillini is offline
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Default Pink Floyd: Synching Albums to Movies (Coincidence?)

I recently purchased the entire catalog from pink floyd (every album/every song) and have been reading a lot about the band and [censored] and one thing I keep on coming across on teh internets is constant reference to how albums match up to movies...

For example this site links the Dark Side of the Moon Album with The Wizard of Oz.

Another one is synching Echoes (et al) with 2001 A Space Odyssey

Echoes:2001 Space Odyssey Part I

Part 2

Part 3

Eitherway this is some cool $hit and I'll probably end up doing this when I get some free time after finals.

Has anyone ever noticed this or done this before?
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