Thread: Getting started
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Old 05-25-2007, 02:10 PM
Neko Neko is offline
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Default Re: Getting started

In all seriousness tho, just be warned that SH limit is *the-ultimate* tilt-monkey breeding ground. A good players edge is pretty small these days and the swings can be soul crushing. You will go through periods where you will seriously question if you will ever win again and you will go through periods when you'll wonder how anyone could possible lose at this game because it seems so goddamn easy. SH limit holdem will make you it's bitch and then make you ask for more. It's a masochist's dream game.

If you still want to learn, read Ed Millers book before Stox's book. Stox's book is excellent but really meant for tougher games than you should be starting at. Jumping in at anything higher than 5/10 is asking for trouble unless you table select extremely well. I don't know what your roll is like but you should be able to find lots of 2/4-5/10 games where you can get your feet wet without risking too much. I would start at a site where you have a good RB deal or WPEX as RB can really help to pull you through your initial learning period.

Good luck.

Edit: you will also be shunned from BBV if you start playing limit, so make sure you weigh that heavily in your decision :P
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