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Old 05-25-2007, 12:26 PM
PanchoVilla PanchoVilla is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
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Default Re: Your five favorite games of all time?

1. Ultima Online - (pre-trammel) Hanging out at the logs North of Trinsic, huge wars NE of Brit bank, house lootings, fights at the orc fort, nothing in any game got the adrenaline up as much as seeing a RED name pop up on your screen in the early days of UO. The wide open free do whatever environment has still never been duplicated. (except maybe for SB, but the unstable servers and hackers and lag during massive battles ruined that game)

2. Civilization - many hours lost to this game in college. One of the first games where you sat down to play and then when you looked at the clock it was 6 hours later.

3. Dune - the RTS one. This for me started the whole RTS genre. "Sardaukar approaching"

4. Deus Ex/System Shock2 - both these games were great FPS adventure games. SS2 was more of a scary type game, Deus Ex had a great storyline and a great world. I mean you start the game assaulting the dudes who took over the statue of liberty. I need to re-install this and play it again.

5. 7 cities of gold - C64 baby. One of the first games I really played a lot. "You have discovered an area of great lakes"

6. Final Fantasy 1 - I played this thing one summer on HS. This was one of the best RPG's ever at that time that I had played. Replayed it a year or so ago when I bought it for the GB Advance.

7. Tetris - not much to say really. Soooooo addicting.

Honorable Mention. Nearly all of the SSI/DND games, Doom2, Monkey Island, Lemmings, Tie Fighter. I know I am forgetting stuff here.
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