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Old 05-24-2007, 05:13 PM
arahant arahant is offline
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Default Re: Why should God be any more believable than the Tooth Fairy?

You're kidding, right? Let me lay out the differences:
1) God wrote a book...the "Tooth Fairy" (if that is his/her real name) did not even CLAIM to write a book!
2) God created the universe, the earth, and all life...thus EVERYTHING is evidence that god exists. Tooth Fairy? that's 'evidence'
3) Let's examine the inconsistencies in the tooth fairy story:
a)payment - why does it keep changing? used to be, you'd get a nickel, I usually got quarters, now kids get a buck or more?
b)currency - what, the tooth fairy has access to ALL currencies? does he/she only pay kids in the civilized world? If so, is that because the tooth fairy is a judeo-christian angel (evidence of god!)?
c)outfit - if there WERE a tooth fairy, would he/she really have that silly, silky outfit on? NO...he/she would be naked, as ALL fairies are, but that would be too scandalous....

So basically, your tooth fairy story is full of holes (or cavities, whatever).

God, on the other hand, is so obvious it's not even funny. And there are no inconsistencies in the bible, despite thousands of years of people trying to find them.

I also don't understand why atheists like you are so hateful and bigotted and stupid and sinful.

But I love you, and Jesus does too.
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