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Old 05-24-2007, 03:54 PM
Utah Utah is offline
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Default Always Bet on Alcohol - Bodog Hasslehoff Prop

Hasslehoff to enter rehab for more than 1 day in 2007 - Yes. +300

The guy is an alcoholic who is bing drinking and who is in a custody dispute. 2 ways to win - he needs to go to rehab simply because he is a stinkin mess or he is forced to go because of the custody dispute. I think the fair line is about +100. People's alcohol problems do not disappear on their own. This is the second alcohol prop I have seen on Bodog and the other one was won in about 2 secs (Will Keith Urban return to rehab +200).

I also bet - will Trump insult Rosie before June 15th. Yes - 140. He just insulted her within last 24 hours and my guess is she will respond and then Trump will respond to the response. Even if that doesn't happen the reporters love to ask him about her and he loves to take shots at her. Fair line is easily -200 to -800.
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