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Old 05-24-2007, 01:52 PM
BigRedDog33 BigRedDog33 is offline
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Default Re: There is going to be a Baby Tall!! (Future and current Dad\'s thre

Nothing like it in the world, my boy is now 7 months and the happyest time of my life is seeing him when I getr home from work everyday.

Useful advice, make sure mom is taking prenatal vitamins, if she can not stomach them(my wife had this problem) make sure she is at least taking folic acid, although more important at the beginning it is a cheap insurance against spinal bifida.

Be patient with mom, the hormones go crazy and so will she. Ride it out, the outburst don't last long and are quickly forgotten.

Enjoy it. Every person with children will see you and be reminded of the birth of their children, you will bring joy to people just by them seeing you.

Enjoy the sex, again hormones go crazy and so will she.

Practical advice given to me by 3 different fathers, after the baby is born you will want to be hero father sleeping in a chair in your wife's room. Don't, go home get a good nights sleep feed and walk any animals, make sure everything is ready for mom and baby. This also gives mom and chance to rest, bond as only mother's do and let'sthe nurses do their job.

sorry to ramble.
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