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Old 05-24-2007, 06:20 AM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Default I\'m Technically Wrong On One Aspect of My Debate With Txaq

Suppose you espouse the theory that the moon is made of green cheese AND that all Chemisty Phds will disagree with you. Their disagreement is a NECESSARY PART of the theory.

And of course they do disagree with you. The green cheese part that is. And the vast majority of the rest of the population disagrees with you. Mainly BECAUSE the chemists do.

Well the rest of the population upon hearing the chemists verdict must go with that opinion and disregard your accurate prediction about those chemists. But because you are already inside your own theory, so to speak, hearing the news about the chemists should do nothing to make you doubt your theory if you didn't already.

And maybe this was all txaq was trying to say. That since the existence of so many detractors is actually an integral part of his religion and its predictions, he should not be expected to find those many detractors, a reason to doubt. Of course it IS a reason for outsiders to doubt.

And there is a bigger problem that txaq or the lunatic above, if they try to wiggle out of the dilemma of numerous detractors this way. Which is that they NEED all these detractors. Without them the original theory is kaput. What happens if everyone starts agreeing with them. Hey, maybe thats why Not Ready (but not txaq) believes that elected minority stuff. Takes away the risk of the religion eating itself.
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