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Old 05-23-2007, 08:02 PM
SamC489 SamC489 is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 31
Default Re: sittin with my entire live roll at 10-20 w/half kill

This isnt an unreplentishable (word?) bankroll. I am a recreational player with a decent real job (chemist) When my roll inflates I just go on a vacation, usually bi-annual vegas trips and some tunica weekend trips. I won't get hurt if I have a bad session and lose $400, but I believe this game is so soft I could easily string together 5 or 6 fairly profitable sessions. Hopefully the $400 will become a start to a decent live roll, which I've never really had. It isnt "insanity" because it isnt that important.

Oh, and I live in St. Louis
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