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Old 05-23-2007, 05:24 PM
ObnxNole ObnxNole is offline
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Default Funny Conversation With MyNameIzGreg

So Im playing earlier on UB and Im stuck like a G after suckout after suckout after suckout after suckout when I notice my shot at redemption sitting at a HU 10/25 table. My redemption if you havent figured it out was MyNameIzGreg. *cue evil laugh* So Im like sure, I obv have a HUGE edge here so I'll take this kids monies... For the record, this huy has hit and run me about 39871203570375 times. Classic Greg after hes up about 2 grand letting me know we should each find easier prey. Yeah thanks douche...

To the hand. I raise to $75 with AKo. He three pops. Blah Blah Blah and I hold on a K xx borad against his AQ. Well done sir.

I bolt! Then this conversation ensues on AIM>

MYNAMEIZGREG (1:42:23 PM): dont ever sit with me again you little hit and run bitch

Auto Response from Hero (1:42:24 PM): I am away from my computer right now.

Hero (2:23:55 PM): c u in hell [censored] head

Auto Response from MYNAMEIZGREG (2:23:55 PM): I am away from my computer right now.

Hero (2:24:15 PM): not like u dont do it to me when u get up on me u fukin no talent ass clown
MYNAMEIZGREG (2:42:39 PM): lol youre a little whiny bitch listen to yourself
MYNAMEIZGREG (2:42:59 PM): i will play you all day im so much better than you
MYNAMEIZGREG (2:43:03 PM): but youll hit and run
Hero (2:43:43 PM): keep dumpin it in with aq buby

Auto Response from MYNAMEIZGREG (2:43:43 PM): I am away from my computer right now.

MYNAMEIZGREG (2:43:57 PM): yawn
MYNAMEIZGREG (2:44:13 PM): didnt realize you were a nit
Hero (2:45:22 PM): yea way to put in 2500 to find out
MYNAMEIZGREG (2:45:39 PM): took you a long time to come up wiht that one sweatheart
Hero (2:45:46 PM): kiss kiss
Hero (2:46:23 PM): i gotta go im bout to treat my friends to lunch on u
MYNAMEIZGREG (2:47:09 PM): tell them enjoy
Hero (2:47:33 PM): should i get them lobster or the filet

Auto Response from MYNAMEIZGREG (2:47:33 PM): I am away from my computer right now.

MYNAMEIZGREG (2:47:44 PM): filet obv
Hero (2:47:57 PM): nah stupid surt AND turf both silly
MYNAMEIZGREG (2:48:05 PM): the funny part is
MYNAMEIZGREG (2:48:09 PM): im up 100k this month
MYNAMEIZGREG (2:48:12 PM): sooooo
MYNAMEIZGREG (2:48:13 PM): idk?
Hero (2:48:44 PM): good wait till variance cathes up with ur dum ass
MYNAMEIZGREG (2:49:00 PM): me tiher
MYNAMEIZGREG (2:49:04 PM): have fun at lunch
MYNAMEIZGREG (2:49:07 PM): ttyl


Beat: Gregs Website!
Brag: Up a G
Variance: My cash cow lunchbox of an opponent in Greg may be gone
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