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Old 05-23-2007, 05:21 PM
Mr.K Mr.K is offline
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Default Looking for two old magazine articles

Hey folks. I don't know what the exact mechanism is for requesting old articles, but I am looking for two in particular and wonder if you might be able to help out.

1.) The article -- I forget the author, but he is a well known 2+2 contributor -- titled "Bet you can't" regarding the personal habit of stopping what you're doing every now and then to relax. The gist of the article is that if you can just stop at any moment and breath for a few seconds, you'll get better at everything you do, whether poker or other things in life. It ran a little over a year ago, and I've found the practice immensely helpful.

2.) An article by Alan Schoonmaker re: a continuum of openness to new ideas. I recall that the article assessed ways we make ourselves more or less open to the things we read and hear from others, and stressed habits that help us become more receptive to helpful input when sometimes our natural inclination is to shut it out. This one also ran over a year ago.

Thanks so much!

Mr. K
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