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Old 05-23-2007, 02:53 PM
nickey009 nickey009 is offline
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Default Depressed Buddy Needs Help....How Do I Do It?

I have a very close circle of 4 friends. None of us were ever very lucky with the ladies. We don't lead the best lives. We are all very average middle of the road type guys. Saying that we also aren't huge losers. We all have jobs, have had our fair share of women and are generally happy.

As centered as we are one of our friends has fallen behind. Of the 5 people in the groupd he's the shortest. He makes the least amount of money. He has the worst debt problem. He owns the least amount of "stuff." He is the only one who's currently single. All of that has made him really depressed.

Wakes up. Goes to work. Goes home. Plays XBox360. Watches Tivo. Sleep. Rinse. Repeat. On the weekends he just doesn't go to work.

He's lost his drive to even try and attract the opposite sex. He doesn't fix his hair or try and dress stylishly. According to him "I don't want to attract someone who's only interested in my looks. Besides that's not who I am anyway." He's been told straight up "You're too short for me."

Anyway, that's the reason for his depression. What's the best way for me to try and talk to him about having a lifestyle change. He'd like to be in better shape but he doesn't work at it. He'd like a GF but he doesn't work at it. He'd like a better job but he doesn't work at it. Any idea's on how to talk to him?

Sorry if this is so long.

Cliff Notes:
Friend is (justifiably) depressed. How can I talk to him about it.
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