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Old 05-23-2007, 02:32 PM
Bill Haywood Bill Haywood is offline
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Default Re: Electron microscope analysis of steel spheres from WTC site

Nielso, notice something important about this photo you provided.

As I understand you, the arrow points to a puff caused by an explosion that helped bring the tower down. But if you watch the film of it, there is NO COLLAPSE at the point where you see the puff. The "explosion" point does not join in the collapse until the pancaking front reaches that point.

Further, if we see that one "detonation," why don't we see similar puffs all the way down the structure? The standard explanation -- that the puff was caused by thousands of tons of material forcing air down through stairwells and elevator shafts -- is entirely credible to me.

And why are we seeing an explosion at all if it was done with thermite? And how could thermite, which is a slow burn, not an explosion, be minutely timed on all the floors, as conspiracy theories demand?
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