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Old 05-23-2007, 12:43 PM
baztalkspoker baztalkspoker is offline
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Default Bankroll for Shortstack Play

If you buy-in short i.e. 20 big blinds to a full ring game, how big would your bankroll need to be?

Since you will be all-in a lot more often than when you buy-in full, the amount of those shortstack buy-ins will need to be higher.

My own feeling is that it's about 2.5 to 3 times the amount of buy-ins you would need if you were buying in full, note this is still a lower roll than you would need if you were buying in full.

So say you determined that you required 50 buy-ins when buying in full to a $10-$20 game i.e a bankroll of $100K, perhaps you would need 150 shortstack buyins at that same level = $60K.

Anyway this is just pure guess work on my part and I could be very wrong. I've never seen this discussed before, anyone have anything more concrete than my undoubtedly erroneous guessing.
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