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Old 05-23-2007, 12:48 AM
Emsterdad Emsterdad is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 160
Default Re: Touchy work situation

I see your point Desertcat, however i dont agree.

If you are a "Valued employee", you sometimes have to make a point of "doing some whining", dont walk around and pout all day, but looking up the head honcho and speaking your mind is seldom a bad thing (in my experience).

Most bosses ive ever had have appriciated honesty, and like having people around that dont pussyfoot around.

Tell the person in charge you think its BS that a seminar that you think will help you in your professional life (the work you do for them) is being bumper. If its a small cost then even easier to justify.

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