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Old 05-22-2007, 09:59 PM
Jerry D Jerry D is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 275
Default Re: Microsoft to lose Billions - WTO Rules against U.S.

There is also a new article on gambling911 that also talks about this and how India, the EU, Brazil, and maybe others are talking about joining together against the insane US actions in the case. I guess if I can't play poker than maybe at least I can buy Spiderman 3 for .89 cents, a copy of Microsoft Vista for $1.99, or 100 tons of steel for $10.

This current republican adminisration and justice dept. is staffed with people who graduated from Pat Robertson's law school for goodness sake,(Bill Maher on his show quoted figures of enormous number of Pat Robertson law school graduates in the current justice dept.) I am sure countries like India, Brazil,and the mighty mighty EU will be able to clean their clocks and empty their wallets with one hand tied behind their backs.
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