Thread: 10K LSAT YO?
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Old 05-22-2007, 02:04 PM
nickg1532 nickg1532 is offline
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Default Re: 10K LSAT YO?


I agree w/ most of what you're saying, though I find that doing my own outlines is extremely helpful. As you mentioned, there is some value in the process of making them. How much value probably depends on the person. For me, it helps a lot. For other people, maybe not so much. My point is, it is impossible to generalize when it comes to study methods, because it varies so much from person to person.

lol this has turned into another typical law-school-advice-giving thread. don't we have enough of these already?

edit: i think we essentially agree. i should add that even though i do my own outlines, the outlines themselves aren't 50+ page beasts like you'll see with some people (i know people that made 100+ page outlines, lol). mine are pretty much never over 25 or so pages, and they don't include much unnecessary detail. they get to the point, and in that sense they resemble commercial outlines. i just find the process of thinking through how everything fits together to be beneficial. so i certainly agree that most of the casebook will be irrelevant, at least for the final. the skill is figuring out what is important and to avoid getting bogged down in minutae
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