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Old 05-22-2007, 08:09 AM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: Batman VS. Batman Begins

Bale and Batman Begins was much truer to the motif of the late 80's/90's batman - the previous films retained too much campiness of the 60's version.

Bale/Nolan kicked serious ass - and I think the new Joker will too - at the end of the day I thought Jack Nickelson just played his normal weirdo character with white makeup - I'll be interested in Heath Ledger's take, esp. seeing the current makeup of the psycho -

He'll be more like the serial killer he is instead of a weirdo showman. Hopefully it touches on his obsessiveness with the Batman as well. There was a great "Dark Knight" series in the early part of the decade that covered how he thought he had killed Batman. Batman dropped off the radar for a few months recouperating and Joker lost all direction, became a model citizen, donned flesh colored makeup and got engaged to a sweet young girl before Batman returned and brought him back to psychosis.

He's like the one guy Joker can't kill and it an obsession that consumes him - or something like that. You don't get any of that with the Nickelson character - esp. when the friggen KILLED him the first movie - WTF?

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