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Old 05-22-2007, 12:44 AM
IvanXDurham IvanXDurham is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Lake Buena Vista, FL
Posts: 317
Default Alot of Brag, a little Beat, and a future of Variance.........

I'm sure it will respectively fall on deaf ears, but i'm starting my new life tomorrow. I am boarding a plane at 7:45am on route to Adulthood, Florida. Long story short, I was the Tommy Boy Callahan of high school, ignored college in order to jet a job and waste every paycheck on 'balla-gear' and o's of schwag. I inevitably ran into the wall of reality, and decided I needed to better myself and stop being such a chocolate covered ball of mediocrity. So 3 years ago, at age 21, I took up my dad's offer to move to the island of Puerto Rico and enroll in college. He had just signed a consulting contract with a private clinic, and I thought it would be a blast if I could move down here and keep being 'not-slim', whilst taking a few classes here and there. My attitude and mentality was still 'pussy, poker, parties, priorities', in that order. I quickly learned that 'Homey don't play that', and started working my ass off in school and at home. With the new degree and a little perstistence, I landed an interview with the Disney Corporation 3 months ago. I hit my 2 outter, and will start my new job next Monday. Wednesday morning, i'll be getting the key to my new apartment in Lake Buena Vista, FL. I know I am coming into the game a little late (24 years old), but I have never felt more prepared. Life will definitely be a roller coaster, but i'm looking forward to it. "Flame on Flav's"
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