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Old 05-21-2007, 11:23 AM
Bulldog Bulldog is offline
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Default Re: Yet another how much do you tip? BMers inside...

If it is the owner, OVERTIP. There are few things better in life than getting in good with the owner of your favorite restaurant. I've got two I'm in that situation with right now: a pizza joint and a ridiculously nice restaurant. At the pizza joint, I walk in at lunch with a dozen people in front of me, make eye contact with Frank, and he nods and gets my usual order for me right away. At the nice place, even when the owner isn't there, just by asking for him by name I get immediately better service from the waiter/waitress, and when he is there, I usually get a bottle of some new wine he has that he wants me to try, or something new they are trying out in the kitchen no charge.
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