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Old 05-20-2007, 10:54 PM
surfdoc surfdoc is offline
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Default Re: A hand against toomuchaction (s915?)

surdoc, what is his preflop capping range here 3way? If he will cap a bunch of Ax hands and bet the river with any pair it seems like you missed an easy value bet unless he is super good/tricky and knows you will value bet your better aces as well as pocket pairs that might have checked the turn for whatever reason(meaning he will checkraise a lot). If his capping range is more like AJs+ then your check is good.

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His capping range has to be so wide that honestly I think it is close to the same as his raising range. He is super tricky and I don't know if he is super good or not but I do know that I can't beat any game playing that loose and he kills it. I suppose there may be value in betting to induce a bluff checkraise but I was hoping a few of you guys had played him enough to know if that is correct.

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I've played a ton with this guy over the past 2 months and I can tell you that after the turn goes check check here, he will always bet his pairs and will even bet a lot of his weaker aces sometimes hoping to fold out a bigger one. He can be unpredictable a lot but on the river he is pretty straightforward with his made hands. Only time I've seen him checkraise me on the river was when he continued his turn spew bluffs. I see value in betting this river against worse aces and also by inducing a possible bluffraise.

You guys are right that his capping range and his 3 betting range into 2+ opponents is a lot wider than most lags. I've seen him show up with medium pairs in this situation and also seen him show up with complete garbage if there is a CO stealer, a sb caller and he liberally 3 bets his bb.

I really enjoy playing against toomuchaction since he is a challenge to adapt to and it is fun to loosen up my reraising range against him and figure out the best way to exploit him. He spews way to much and it doesn't take very long to figure out ways to counter him after the flop.

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Yeah I think you are right here and my read was just developing at the time I played this hand and he showed 89o and MHIG. As far as exploiting this type of player I am still looking for insight. It seems like he finds folds when I show aggression but will keep firing when I play passively. This has led to a cycle where I end up slowplaying all my strong hands against him and letting him hang himself. The problem with this is that I don't get in multiple bets on the big streets. It would seem that a simple counter would be to just raise him more but I have found that trying to outlAG him is an unwise idea. Both he and s915 (I still think they are the same) have an uncanny way of knowing which boards you are unlikely to hit and play back hard.
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