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Old 05-20-2007, 10:19 PM
Kintamayama Kintamayama is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 73
Default Re: PRK/Lasik Surgery

Although mine was lasik, I'm 38 and just had it done about 10 days ago. The procedure lasted about 10 minutes, didn't hurt at all, and I was seeing clearly the very next day.

Now 10 days in, I've had no problems so far. I was warned of fluctuating vision at various times of the day, but so far, outside of some occasional bluriness, usually remedied with eye drops, any fluctuations have been minimal. I've had no soreness in my eyes, although they tend to feel "tired" at the end of the day, and when I get home I keep wanting to take out contacts that are no longer there.

I'm loving my new vision and would recommend lasik to others. Good luck with your procedure if you decide to go for it.
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