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Old 05-20-2007, 12:50 AM
TStoneMBD TStoneMBD is offline
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Default Re: Poker and Cheating

I think in thew modern playing age its very common for players to collude without knowing it. people naturally alter their play when a friend is in the pot or they are on a shared roll with someone. they may be doing this without intentionally trying to gain an edge. I still stand by my accusations, even stronger than before that the neverwin/chantel hand from a hs lhe post of mine was in fact collusion. while I do suspect that neverwins motives were the intent of collusion, I do not accuse him of realizing that what he was doing was in fact collusion. I think this specific hand is a good example of what can and will happen when players play under shared bankrolls even if they intend to play with the utmost integrity.

also, in this day and age, its quite common to find someone pull off an angle shoot. I've seen this happen most often in ac where the majority of players are long time casino veterans and not so much a part of the new internet breed. its also very common for players to manipulate an agreement to gain an unfair edge. an example of this would be that everyone agrees to straddle and a player doesn't straddle out on a bathroom break and doesn't straddle in when he returns, but instead posts behind. in most cases I think these people reali1 that they've gained an unfair edge but they always pretend that they don't know better. of course, I'm always the one to come off looking like a nit for calling them out on it.
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