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Old 05-19-2007, 02:43 PM
Anacardo Anacardo is offline
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Default Prs to be making me less broke? Financial Follies

Hey gang.

I went busto in April after 2.5 years of professional poker. I had no savings and significant debt. Since then I have fallen right out of the middle class, doing unskilled temp labor in East Texas. I've been flogging agencies since I got here but have managed to work a grand total of 20 hours this month, at about 6.65 per - lots of miscommunication between agency and hirers, interviews / jobs fall through, etc. etc. I have a car note, $2K in credit debt and student loans. Clearly this is unacceptable, and I can't help but feel I'm underutilizing my resources. I know next to nothing about finance, money management, and the world of work. So - how do I get less broke?

I don't really have an end goal. Part of me wants to scrape together about $5K, plus another five or so for savings & expenses, and head back to Southern California & the cardrooms. Another part of me isn't sure that it ever wants to play another hand.


Young (24), able-bodied. BA, University of Texas, 2004 - History. No criminal record, owns transportation, genius, probably the world's greatest casual conversationalist.

DEBITS: A lifetime of avoidable mistakes and hard knocks have finally managed to push work ethic up to 'mediocre.' Thorny personal & psychological issues. Clueless. Sizeable debt - 10s of Ks in student loans, $2K in credit card debt, $15K car loan.

I'm headed to Atlanta next week to live with friends. I have no idea what I'll do when I get there. I just need money. Let the adviceflood begin.
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