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Old 05-18-2007, 09:22 PM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: Rep chairman petitioning Ron Paul from debate 3 HELP

Dr. Paul isn't very strong in the polls (0% this week....he's been as high as 2%), but he's getting good Internet buzz. Given that and the media attention, hopefully he'll be in for one more debate.

I signed the petition. Let's all sign it. It's good for us to have Paul in the debates to articulate a vision of a much smaller, less expansive federal government.


Latest Gallup Poll: May 10-13, 2007

First Choice for 2008 Democratic Nomination
Based on Democrats/Democratic leaners
May 10-13, 2007

Hillary Clinton, 35%
Barack Obama, 26%
Al Gore, 16%
John Edwards, 12%
Bill Richardson, 2%
Joe Biden, 2%
Al Sharpton, 1%
Christopher Dodd, 1%
Wesley Clark, 1%
Dennis Kucinich, *
Mike Gravel, 0%
Other, 1%
No opinion, 4%

* Less than 0.5%


First Choice for 2008 Republican Nomination
Based on Republicans/Republican leaners
May 10-13, 2007

Rudy Giuliani, 29%
John McCain, 23%
Fred Thompson, 12%
Mitt Romney, 8%
Newt Gingrich, 6%
Sam Brownback, 2%
Tommy Thompson, 1%
Mike Huckabee, 1%
Tom Tancredo, 1%
George Pataki, 1%
Duncan Hunter, *
Jim Gilmore, *
Chuck Hagel, *
Ron Paul, 0%
Other, 2%
None, 5%
No opinion, 8%

* Less than 0.5%
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