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Old 05-17-2007, 09:51 PM
Spleen Spleen is offline
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Default Re: Im a fish at investing , answer some questions yo?

As for your other questions,
Where would one begin to due DD on small market specualive stocks? ( is there a name for this so I can stop saying small dollar specualive stocks) I do not necessarily mean crapshoot penny stocks fwiw.

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What is the difference between a "small dollar speculative stock" and a penny stock? I've never heard that term before and I assumed you were talking about the crap penny stocks that my spam box is filled with emails about.

You should probably examine why you're interested in "small dollar speculative stocks" before you ask specific questions about them. A stock that trades for $10 can be just as "speculative" as a stock that trades for $1.

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Ok I guess the after hours deal is just more time for people to gamble it up. If is anything more than that( at least to the noob gamblor) let me know. Ok that question settled.

So a penny stock is a penny stock, no matter if it's crap or not? I have only heard negative things about " penny stocks" I assumed not all were garbage. I do realize that ppl do make monies on garbage stocks, I am trying not to be confusing, although I am confused. I suppose the question I have been miserably trying to ask is this: How does one determine what is crap and what is not? Specifically the stocks which have lower share prices with some upside as opposed to the ones that are just being "pumped and dumped" ( I learned that with your google links).
I understand that the ability to differentiate between the two is the goal. Where do you begin to do research on these things. I don't have a ton of money to blow but I have some, enough to gamble it up on a few specualtive stocks, but I want to try and obtain even a small edge before I throw darts. When I begin to look up information on small scale stocks I am bombraded with B.S. and the spam you refferred to, this is what I want to avoid. I am usually pretty good at navigating the language of the 2p2 repsonses as opposed to other message boards so that is why I came here to look for a jumping off point.

I don't have the time to follow the patterns and all that all day long so it would be a buy and hold situation. A few hundred shares here and there, if nothing else to give something for my little brain to check into at night when I get home from the circus.

I reread my OP and yea it was pretty lousy, but I figured I could wade though most any responses and take something away, even the d-bag responses are littered with some helpful ideas if you can filter the B.S.

So is there a reputable forum or site that isnt filled with "bashers" and "pumpers" and fluffers or whatever else I should look into?
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