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Old 05-15-2007, 03:35 AM
Carolina Pirate Carolina Pirate is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 242
Default Triple Draw Thoughts and Conversations

I just wanted to create a fresh TD thread that addresses the overall concept of TD. I myself play PL TD on Stars and some NL and occasionally Limit, which bores me b/c there is not as much action as the PL/NL games. By no means am I a good player at this game. I am an action player. I will bet pot preflop and toss all 5 just to throw you off but still pull a 76 on the end to crush you. So Hopefully we can all gain more insight into what I think is the best game online today.

For more info on TD, Mark Gritter has created a site with stats, TD info, links, etc... Its a great site that he sent me to in another thread:

A great site with far more info then I've ever seen before. This guy had some wicked stats up there.

Keep in mind that TD is unlike any other game that you may have played before. The concepts and theories on "How to Play" will differ from person to person b/c this is a game that does not have a lot of hard information on it. Most people go by experience but Gritter is onto something with his program (I hope he doesn't mind me saying all of this about him).

So good luck and let's build some big pots at the tables!

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