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Old 05-15-2007, 02:43 AM
adsman adsman is offline
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Default Re: Help Me Decide What To Do


The problem with this decision is that you're having to take it at a time when you're a bit loopy from uprooting and shifting. I know, I've done it. What you need to do is break this down to its essentials and look at it with a clear, untroubled, mind.

I would take this job for a few reasons:

1. Income. You will have some income coming in now. That makes a difference to your head-space, trust me. It will give you peace of mind and let you calm down a bit. Then you'll start to see what other opportunities are out there. You can survive on this money, dude. It will be a good learning experience.

2. Contacts. From the day you go in you'll be making contacts for other potential work. Show them what you can do, nail this job to the best of your ability.

3. Friends. You wanted to make some friends, right? This will put you on the right track.

If you read the thread where I documented my experiences then you'll know that I've done this a few times. I want to say that all the times I did this the moves that were a LOT easier were the ones where I was going with a job already tied up. With what I've learnt, and the info that you have provided in this thread, I wouldn't hesitate about taking this job.
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