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Old 05-15-2007, 01:00 AM
pokulator pokulator is offline
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Default Re: Help Me Decide What To Do


I understand completely no one can tell me to take or not to take the job. I'm more interested in opinions and different ways of thinking about things. This is my decision and I'll have to live with it and know that I made it myself.

My father, who thought I was insane for moving out here without a job in the first place, told me not to take the job. If I'm looking for a scapegoat, it won't be anyone on these forums.

I also didn't come out here for this job. Before moving, I fired off my resume to a couple places through Monster and this was the one bite I got.

I have guilt backing out because I don't think I've ever turned down a job before in my life. I also don't know if I can find anything better. I haven't really even looked yet.

You are right though that being a retail bitch will be miserable.

[/ QUOTE ]

iggy, you seem very worried about your financial situation so i'd say take the job in the meantime while you look for a better one. you can always find time to look for another job at night or during breaks or your drives up north. i'd be surprised if you had to sign a contract or that it would be enforced for an entry level job paying 30k.

i work with many companies in the san diego area and have helped a lot of friends get jobs paying 35k or more. to be blunt you seem a little young or inexperienced from your posts, but if you send a good resume to iggy @ and have good references i can see if anyone needs someone with your qualifications.

best of luck with the search and welcome to the west coast.
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