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Old 05-14-2007, 06:25 PM
CappyAA CappyAA is offline
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Default Going to Chicago for Work - What to do?`

So I am going to be in the Chicago area next week for training. I'm supposed to be at my training facility sometime Sunday night, but I figured I'd fly in a day early and enjoy Chicago. My plans were to just wander around Saturday, go out Saturday night, and then go to Wrigley Sunday to see the Cubs game before I head to my training facility.

I guess my question here would be where in the city should I get a hotel, and where should I go at night? FWIW - I am a 25 year old single guy who pretty much doesn't dance (so clubs are out). I just like to hang out, drink beers, and look at/hit on hot girls who are about my age.

So any suggestions on any of the above questions, as well as suggestions on where else would be good to go during the day would be appreciated.

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