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Old 05-14-2007, 06:04 PM
AZK AZK is offline
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Default Re: Tuxedo you have to wear this?


I'm not going to wear the cumberbund, I've thought about buying a tux, but I'm not sure if I can justify it. The last time I wore one was for HS prom... I entertained the idea, and I was going to just go classic style. I did the vest thing in HS and all the crazy colors and [censored]. That stuff is fun I guess when you are in high school but now just seems kinda lame. I'd rather go with a classic and clean look. Same idea there with the tie vs. bow tie... I think the bow tie is classier, now I just need to learn how to tie my own.

How often do you find yourself wearing your tux? Until I become Bond I can't see myself wearing it enough to justify buying one...

Also side note, what are inverted pleats? I normally have only known dress slacks to have pleats or straight hem... what's an inverted pleat, what body types wear this? Is this for fat people? skinny people? Tall? Short?


Edit: Also the tux shirt should or should not be done french cuff style?
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