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Old 05-14-2007, 02:34 PM
Brettster Brettster is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Maryland
Posts: 1,096
Default Would any of you move to LV in my situation.

I'm seperating from the military in the next few months and am planning on using the GI Bill to finish my degree, about 60-70 credits. I currently live in Maryland but am debating moving to LV and play 1/2NL to pay for apt, food, etc while in school. I'm rolled for 1/2NL, but never played alot of 1/2NL online, mostly all in AC which I faired well. I did however beat 25NL and 50NL for a descent win rate( which isn't saying alot) over 100k hands. So would any of you make the move in my shoes.


Rolled for 1/2NL
8k Savings
6 months unemployment LOL after discharge
Really no furniture or asetts to move.


I don't know ANYBODY in LV
It can get hot

My plan

Find a cheap room to rent from craigs list, Under $500 including utilities which I would pay up front for 6months-12months. Play 40 hours a week. Profit and move up.
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