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Old 05-13-2007, 11:34 AM
roaaahhh roaaahhh is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 567
Default Re: MSPaint your friday night (yesterday)

i suck and have no mspaint ability
drank wine the moment i woke up at 6 am, went to a casino ate pancakes and sausage, had a glass of milk, watched smokin aces kept drinking, passed out woke up around 1 in the afternoon, reassessed my life, realized i was out of wine, talked to my mom, read her the mothers day card i had bought but didnt mail, made other phone calls to good friends, had girlfriend bring me stuff from market, stuff included cold cuts various cheeses, vodka, strawberrys and shortcake, diet sunkist, other stuff, started drinking vodka and club sodas, has sex, had girl make me an open faced turkey and pastrimi with swiss panini she then put it in the broiler to heat up, then i drank more watched the de la hoya repeat in hd, bet on the dodgers run line +125, also made a bet on european soccer, stumbled to my bed, woke up at 8 am today, thinking about having a beer.

cliffnotes - im falling apart
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