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Old 05-12-2007, 10:05 PM
Casper05 Casper05 is offline
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Default SSNL Study Groups

Ok, I finally have tons of time to play (and I'm finally serious about getting better and moving up) so here is my idea:

I want to get groups of 3-4 players of similar stakes. Each group member will make a video (30 minutes to 1 hour, whatever the group decides for themselves). Each group member will watch the other videos and then the group will have an AIM (or whatever you decide) chat meeting to discuss each video.

If 4 group members each make a 30 minute video, the whole "project" will take around 5 hours to complete. I'd like to do this on a monthly basis, if there is enough interest.

I will assign the groups once everybody has replied- I want to get each group fairly balanced with (hopefully) 2 old-timers/regs and 2 new contributors to SSNL. YOU MUST CONTRIBUTE TO THE STRAT POSTS IN THIS FORUM TO PARTICIPATE.

I'd like whoever is interested to reply in this thread with the site they play on, the stakes they play, and the times that are most convenient for them, and I will form the groups once nobody else is replying that they are interested.

If we can get even 10-12 players that will do this I think we will all improve immensely, and we will have all helped each other within just a few months.

If you have any questions/comments/suggestions just reply in the thread.