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Old 05-12-2007, 06:05 AM
ActionJeff ActionJeff is offline
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Default Re: Get away from QQ preflop vs peachy?

You have to decide, with all of the information at your disposal, whether, at this specific moment, hes doing this with a lot of hands or he isn't. Don't worry about future meta-game or how exploitable it would be if he did this with a huge range or any of that crap.

I know I'm not being clear. The obvious nitty answer is to fold, and thats usually right. But, I think in this type of situation its pretty important to realize that, hes sitting there in the bb, and he isn't thinking im 4-betting X% with air and X% with AA/KK maybe AK. Sometimes thats how we make decisions, but thats not how people think. Whats happening is, he is either deciding "this is a good spot to try to win this pot" and 4-betting you with a huge range, or he isnt. So its: (A) RIGHT NOW, in this hand, hes doing this with a lot of hands (B) he isn't and is usually going to have it. Then push your entire range or fold.

IMO this hand is basically useless to post, because the answer is so obvious and unavoidable. There's no way around needing to just make an educated guess and hope to make the right decision here- only the nits way out, just fold.

This reminds me of the whitelime hand vs. aba. Everyone was going on with all of that SHANIA stuff and nth level thinking, but thats not what was really going on. Aba just sat there and decided, at that moment, that whitelime was going to call him if he had a king often enough to make pushing the best play. If he had a bluff in that spot, with his read he would absolutely never shove, because he has decided that hes gonna get called. I think a lot of poker decisions where we stress long term strategy and exploitability are great exercises for thinking about poker, but in the heat of the moment are of little use. We like to try to fight this type of thinking because it doesn't have a huge influence on how hands are played out on or our results, except in the toughest of games. But, in the long run, if the guy on the other side of the table knows your emotional state, analyzes the factors influecing your decision, and correctly assesses your state of mind, he is going to make the right decision and you're gonna get [censored] up unless you are genuinely making decisions completely randomly. I think thats a big edge that players like Aba, Ivey (live), and PA have that we tend to overlook.

Intuition bitches.


edit- peachy is good and is a guy
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